CCMG Accreditation of Training Programs
The Canadian College of Medical Geneticists (CCMG) sets and monitors the educational standards for the training of medical genetics specialists. The CCMG Accreditation of Training Programs Committee evaluates and accredits genetics training centres in order to encourage the development and maintenance of high standards of training in medical genetic diagnostic specialties. Â
Accreditation by the CCMG does not replace laboratory accreditation by a provincial or other accrediting body. The CCMG strongly encourages each genetics specialty laboratory to obtain appropriate laboratory accreditation.Â
CCMG Training Centres can be accredited for training in any or all of the following specialties:Â Â

Accreditation Cycle
Programs will be accredited for a maximum of five years, throughout which time acceptable standards must be maintained. Changes in personnel or affiliation must be reported as soon as they occur to the Chair of the CCMG Accreditation of Training Programs Committee. Substantial changes in personnel may prompt the review of a centres status.
Accreditation Fee
The fee for accreditation is $6500. The fee is payable to the CCMG at the time the applications is submitted.
Accreditation Information
A. General Requirements: CCMG Training Centres, depending on specialty, must comprise the following: A CCMG certified clinical geneticist; A CCMG certified genetic and genomic diagnostics laboratory geneticist; Or a CCMG [...]
Phase 1: Notification and completion of accreditation forms A.) Centre currently accredited for training by CCMG The CCMG Accreditation of Training Centres Committee will contact the Local CCMG Training Program [...]
The Local CCMG Training Program Director will have provided the names and emails of key individuals involved in the CCMG training program. The named individuals will receive invitations via email [...]
The Local CCMG Training Program Director will be responsible for the following: Identifying the local CCMG training centre team members and informing them of the upcoming accreditation, and their [...]