The Local CCMG Training Program Director will be responsible for the following:

  • Identifying the local CCMG training centre team members and informing them of the upcoming accreditation, and their roles and responsibilities.
  • Providing the names and emails of the individuals involved in curriculum development, chair(s) of the supervisory committees, and current and past trainees.
  • Ensuring that the accreditation online forms are submitted on time.

Completing the online accreditation forms will require uploading supporting documentation. A checklist outlining the required documentation can be found on the CCMG website under Accreditation Documentation.

Phase 1: Notification and completion of accreditation forms

A.)  Centre currently accredited for training by CCMG 

The CCMG Accreditation of Training Centres Committee will contact the Local CCMG Training Program Director to confirm that the centre wishes to undergo accreditation. 

Through a REDCap link provided by the CCMG Accreditation of Training Centres Committee, the Local CCMG Training Program Director will provide the names and emails of key individuals directly involved in the local CCMG Training program. The names individuals will then receive invitations to complete online forms according to their roles and responsibilities (see Accreditation Documentation for more detailed description of the required documentation). 

B.)  Centre interested in accreditation for training by CCMG 

The Faculty who will act as the Local CCMG Training Program Director will contact the Chair of the CCMG Accreditation of Training Centres Committee to discuss interest, requirements and potential timelines of the accreditation cycle.  

Once confirmed, through a REDCap link provided by the CCMG Accreditation of Training Centres Committee, the Local CCMG Training Program Director will provide the names and emails of key individuals directly involved in the local CCMG Training program. The names individuals will then receive invitations to complete online forms according to their roles and responsibilities (see Accreditation Documentation for more detailed description of the required documentation). 

Phase 2: Training Centre Assessment
The information collected from the individual forms will be reviewed and assessed by the CCMG Accreditation of Training Programs Committee.

Phase 3 Virtual Site Visit, Committee Debrief and Report
Two members of the CCMG Accreditation of Training Programs Committee will be identified as Virtual Site Visit Leads. These representatives will:

  • Communicate with the Local CCMG Training Program Director to arrange a mutually suitable date for the Virtual Site Visit.
  • Identify a list of the members of the Training Centre who are required to attend (note: all members of the local CCMG Training Centre are invited to attend as observers).

After the virtual site visit, the Site Visit Leads will prepare a report and overall recommendation. The report may identify opportunities for improvement that will be re-assessed at the next cycle review.

The CCMG Accreditation of Training Programs Committee’s decision on accreditation renewal will be affirmed by the CCMG board of directors and communicated to the Local CCMG Training Program Director by the CCMG Management Office.

All accreditation application forms will be managed using REDcap. REDcap is a secure web application that builds and manages online surveys and databases. Training centres will not be required to have access to REDcap. As outlined above, the individuals named by the local CCMG Training Program Directory will receive an email with an individual link to their online application forms. The online application forms do not need to be completed all in one sitting. Users have the ability to save the forms and come back at a later time to complete the forms. Upon submission, the participant receives an email confirming receipt.

The Gantt chart below outlines the anticipated time needed for the accreditation renewal process.

For new training centres seeking accreditation for the first time, please contact the chair(s) of the CCMG Accreditation of Training Programs Committee to determine timeline for accreditation.


Those training sites that are RCPSC Medical Genetics and Genomics accredited need to complete the entire Application form for the Clinical Genetics Training and the Clinical Genetics Supervisory Committee form. They also need to upload a copy of the current RCPSC accreditation status. 

CCMG training centres do not need to offer training in all specialties, they can be accredited for training in any or all of the specialties.

  1. Check all junk, spam locations where an email may have been delivered.
  2. Ask your institution’s information technology support desk for help to locate it.
  3. Notify the co-chairs of the committee that you did not receive the email you are expecting.Â